
Musica e fantasia: curtas as sugestões de discos, filmes e livros.

O fascínio dos tropicalistas pelos vampiros

Sabemos que, intelectualmente, o tropicalismo lançado por Gil e Caetano tentava ser uma continuação ou radicalização da antropofagia de Oswald (leia-se Ôsvaldi) de Andrade. No sentido de apropriar da cultura estrangeira, degluti-la para criar algo com nossa identidade.

O vampiro é uma imagem mais ambiciosa: além de absorver a essência vital de sua vítima, o vampiro a transforma em um igual. Isto lembra a poesia exportação dos concretistas: em vez do regionalismo exótico, influenciaremos estrangeiros com nossas ideias.

Por isso é que tropicalistas radicais, como Torquato Neto, Ivan Cardoso e Jorge Mautner, são fascinados com a ideia de vampiro.

No, means no!!

Source: No, means no!!

Ó, pedaço de mim

Em vez de cordial, o brasileiro deve ser chamado de homem saudoso. O mameluco que sente saudades do Portugal onde nunca esteve. A falta daquilo que nunca tivemos. Quixeramobim, quixere amobinhê. Ah, meus outros tempos, diria José de Alencar.

Here’s to you (Nicola and Bart), com Joan Baez

Hoje em dia é difícil explicar o que é anarquismo. Mas é fácil explicar a injustiça da pena de morte para Sacco e Vanzetti. Fácil sentir solidariedade por eles nos versos de Joan Baez e música de Ennio Morricone.

Nighthawks, by Edward Hopper

Nighthawks, by Edward Hopper

The painting Nighthawks, by Edward Hopper, shows 4 personae late night in a New York downtown restaurant, in the decade of 1940. The limitation of perspective shows each figure totally independent from the others, therefore antecipating the contemporary hyperrealist style.

Bach’s Chaconne, by Andrés Segovia

Saying that Andrés Segovia was to the classical guitar what Jimi Hendrix was for electrical guitar wouldn’t be an overstatement. Both were self taught and redefined how to play their instruments. Both are still remarkable for their killer techniques.

The problem of induction, according to David Hume

The problem of induction, according to David Hume

David Hume was the name of the Scottish philosopher that, on 18th century, posed the problem of induction: given that the sun raised yesterday, how to make sure it will raise tomorrow? Induction is the basis of empirical science.

Seven-sided poem, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, translated by Elizabeth Bishop

Seven-sided poem, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, translated by Elizabeth Bishop

In the Seven-sided poem, Carlos Drummond de Andrade rhymed ironically mundo and Raimundo. When Elizabeth Bishop translated it, she associated faster and vaster, also a poor rhyme. That way, rhyme poverty brings humor to the original and its translation.

Xenakis, or The mathematics in music

Among the great contemporary composers, Xenakis was the most influenced by mathematics. Some said his computers were the real authors of the musical pieces. That’s wrong: Xenakis art is in his choice of themes, in how computers are programed.

You belong to me, with Carly Simon

If there’s a good meaning of the word attachment, it is in You belong to me. The singer says to the loved one that there’s no need to look attractive to others: I’ve got lovin’ eyes of my own.