
Musica e fantasia: curtas as sugestões de discos, filmes e livros.

Categoria: History

Prose poetry

Prosa poética

The Modernist movement killed the meter and its verse laws. Then, we, the postmoderns, killed the rythm, its music. Nowadays, what we have is the poetry prose: texts without rythm, with visual or verbal images, namely fanopeia or logopeia.

Brian Epstein, the 5th Beatle

Brian Epstein, the 5th Beatle

According to McCartney, the manager Brian Epstein was the 5th Beatle. He had a clearer overall view, since he was not actualy in the band. But he could present this view directly to the musicians and guide their work

Bach’s Cello suite BWV 1007, with Pablo Casals

The performer is a composer’s partner, for he or she choses how to transform musical ideas into sounds. Pablo Casals was more than that for the Cello Suites, as he saved them from the limbo they were till 1936.

The devil, according to Allan Kardec

The devil, according to Allan Kardec

The last nail in the coffin of classical traditions, was hit by Spiritism, nowadays also known as Kardecism. To this religion, there’s no devil, only human beings doing petty malignant roles, that will they will become tired of someday.

Schubert’s Ave Maria, with Andrea Boccelli

The famous Schubert’s Ave Maria wasn’t created by Franz Schubert. The original song is also a prayer to the Virgin Mary, but this version is an adaptation of the words of the Hail Mary prayer to the Schubert’s melody.